Friday, August 8, 2008


Everyone in the world is caught up in the iPhone buzz at the moment.

Especially in Japan, people lined up for 2 days - in Japan a mobile phone shop called Softbank are selling the iPhone.

Every Softbank shop has been out of stock since the release of the phone.

Brian didnt go far as lining up for 2 days but he and his friend lined up from 6am on the day of the release.

Quite frankly I couldnt understand what the big deal was and I was getting sick of Brian talking about the iPhone non stop!!

Well, his friend got one but Brian missed out - so the next weekend I had to take my pregnant heavy self around Tokyo with Brian (beacuse he cant speak Japanese still) going to different phone shops to get the stupid iPhone.

No store had any left but this didnt stop Brian.

Everytime we went out he would go into the nearest Softbank shop to see if they had any....

Last weekend - we finally got one.

I wasnt going to get one but my iPod was nearly dead and the iPhone comes with iPod built into it and is cheaper then buying a new ipod so I got one.

I could not understand what the big deal and fuss was BUT now I do.

Its fantastic! it will especially be good when I'm in hospital to give birth.

I will have access to my e mails, internet, watch movies, tv shows etc - its basically a portable computer but better.

You would think the novelty would wear off by now but Brian is still spending every spare minute playing with it and telling me how good it is - he is such an IT NERD!